The story of the rich young ruler is an episode in the life
of Christ. The rich young ruler comes to
Jesus to ask what he might lack in order to receive eternal life, since he had
kept all the commandments from his youth.
Jesus’ response is to go and sell all he has and give to the poor. The point being that the young man, even though
he had kept all commandments, was short on one key ingredient that was a heart
issue in which he held his riches just a little closer to his heart than his
concern for the things of God.
While our Illinois sheriffs have made huge steps in the
right direction, in my opinion they lack one key ingredient. It has to do with the recent statement of the
Illinois sheriff’s association:
“Rule of Law. Sheriffs recognize
the rule of law in the United States in which the Supreme Court and lower
courts are the ultimate authority in determining the constitutionality of any