Last week I wrote regarding a couple of issues. One that seemed catch a lot of mixed feeling was regarding the Jab or Vax shot. This seems to be a polarizing issue that finds people strongly for or against. Those for it feel like if everyone would just go along, we would be cured and through the COVID in much less time. They say, “just trust the government to do its job.” This is the same government that may very well leave hundreds, if not thousands of American Citizens in Afghanistan.
This is the same government that has abused its power, trust
and influence over many years:
Look up the following studies and/or experiments:
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Stateville Penitentiary Malaria
The Navy Beef Blood Transfusion
The Plutonium Testing Study
The Mustard Gas Experiments
Operation Midnight Climax
Operation Sea-Spray
Operation Big Buzz
Willowbrook Experiments
The Measles Vaccine Experiments on
babies AND there many other sneaky things.
Just “trust” your government when it is common practice for
CDC “higher-ups” to land jobs on the boards of large pharmaceutical
corporations when they “retire.”
Just last Monday the FDA approved a Pfizer vaccine called
Comirnaty which will be the final marketed version of their MRNA vaccine. However, they did not clearly explain
the vaccine that everybody is taking right now is still the experimental
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccine.
The so-called approved product is not available on the market yet. The current EUA version is covered by the
fully indemnified rules, which means the manufacturer can’t be held responsible
and be sued for bad side effects.
Our billionaire governor in his infinite wisdom, is about to
FORCE educators and all health workers to get the Jab or basically quit their job
if they don’t comply with taking the experimental vaccine that is NOT FDA
approved. The good book says the, heart
of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Sorry but I do NOT TRUST my government.
I have done my own research, you do yours then make your own
decision. Look at all the Fake Vax
Cards… Don’t you think it would be
better if we all had a chip implanted at the same time as we got the Jab? That
would end the Fake Cards… NOT!!!
Choice is the mark of Liberty! I have no problem with you making your own
choice. Now let me make my choice.