Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Choice, the Mark of Liberty

Last week I wrote regarding a couple of issues.  One that seemed catch a lot of mixed feeling was regarding the Jab or Vax shot.  This seems to be a polarizing issue that finds people strongly for or against.  Those for it feel like if everyone would just go along, we would be cured and through the COVID in much less time. They say, “just trust the government to do its job.”  This is the same government that may very well leave hundreds, if not thousands of American Citizens in Afghanistan.

This is the same government that has abused its power, trust and influence over many years:

Look up the following studies and/or experiments:

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study

The Navy Beef Blood Transfusion Study

The Plutonium Testing Study

The Mustard Gas Experiments

Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Sea-Spray

Operation Big Buzz

Willowbrook Experiments

The Measles Vaccine Experiments on babies AND there many other sneaky things.

Just “trust” your government when it is common practice for CDC “higher-ups” to land jobs on the boards of large pharmaceutical corporations when they “retire.”

Just last Monday the FDA approved a Pfizer vaccine called Comirnaty which will be the final marketed version of their MRNA vaccine.  However, they did not clearly explain the vaccine that everybody is taking right now is still the experimental Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccine.  The so-called approved product is not available on the market yet.  The current EUA version is covered by the fully indemnified rules, which means the manufacturer can’t be held responsible and be sued for bad side effects.

Our billionaire governor in his infinite wisdom, is about to FORCE educators and all health workers to get the Jab or basically quit their job if they don’t comply with taking the experimental vaccine that is NOT FDA approved.  The good book says the, heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.  Sorry but I do NOT TRUST my government. 

I have done my own research, you do yours then make your own decision.  Look at all the Fake Vax Cards…  Don’t you think it would be better if we all had a chip implanted at the same time as we got the Jab? That would end the Fake Cards… NOT!!!

Choice is the mark of Liberty!  I have no problem with you making your own choice. Now let me make my choice. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Liberty at All Costs!

I, along with the whole world, have watched appalled this week as the American President and his staff have made the worst of many bad calls during his administration.  Deserting our Americans abroad in Afghanistan. Leaving them to fight through utter chaos to get to an airport that is practically over run.  Not only did he desert our own citizens, but he is in the process of writing off the thousands of Afghanis who rallied around the American flag and who now face beheadings and other untold atrocities before they finally have their lives taken from them.

 We see hundreds of thousands running from or giving up their own freedom to serve as slaves of the Taliban. We are told that there are maybe 75 thousand hardcore Taliban that are running the show. We have also seen what it takes to succeed at a cause.  In the Taliban we see a completely and totally determined dedicated minority that is resolute in their resolve, assume control.

 Our founding fathers dedicated their LIVES, their FORTUNES, and their sacred HONOR in the cause of Liberty for themselves and their posterity. It has been said that the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance. I say the price of Liberty is blood. Vigilance without action, just like Faith without works is nothing. While I am disgusted and appalled by the abject negligence of this administration, I am also disgusted by the lack of will by the People of Afghanistan to free themselves against the this determined minority who is prepared to take their Liberty.

 In our country I am just as disgusted with the People here who are completely rolling over to, school systems who seem to think they know more about your health than you do. So called authorities who cannot get their stories straight. Demanding you not wear a mask one day, then change the next week to, “you must wear a mask.” You must take the Jab, even though it is not approved by the FDA. Please tell me what other drug that has not been fully vetted by the FDA would you take?

 Then you read in the CDC’s own paper that of 469 COVID positive people in a Massachusetts county 74% were fully vaccinated. So, 3 out of 4 people who took the Jab are now actively shedding viruses. A vaccine should, at the least, be SAFE and next, be effective. Just exactly how many booster shots do you think it will take for this to be “effective?” Ignorance gone to seed.

 I could go on, but you surely get the point. If you don’t take a stand for Liberty on issues as important as your own health, then like the People of Afghanistan you will lose your Liberty to bureaucrats all over this nation. You either take a stand now, or you can send yourself and your children into the clutches of slavery. And yes, they, the government bureaucrats, intend to come for your guns long term. Yes, they intend to take the soul of your children by saying “Black Lives Matter,” when they know All lives matter. You better stand up NOW while you don’t have to fire a shot!!!

 Winston Churchill stated, "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when you victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival."